Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Highlight Video From Croatiaaaa

So, last May I received a Facebook message from an organization that was holding tryouts for a team that would travel to Europe and showcase American soccer players to professional teams. The team is based out of Southern California and offered young players a great experience for 2009 - a trip to Croatia to play against some top professional teams. There is also something unique about this particular organization, in that they documented the whole trip on film and hope to make it into a show one day entitled, One Shot One Dream. Apparently it might already be in the works for Gol TV, who knows? Perhaps I'll go on their next trip.

Personally I had a great time on the trip. I was able to visit some parts of Europe, make new friends (check out Kyle Kaveny's blog) and memories, and of course play soccer. We stayed in Pula, in the northern part of Croatia and played five games against 1st, 2nd, and 3rd division Croatian teams. This the their site: http://www.isoccerstar.com/index.php

On the site you can check out the videos and see what the trip was like. We stayed for 15 days in Pula and played five games. I'm posting this because they just finished the highlight videos for all the players. Here's a link to my highlight video

I would encourage any aspiring player to travel and experience what soccer is like in other countries. Traveling to Croatia was really eye opening for me, in the soccer sense and the social sense. I got to see a country and a culture very different from the United States. I had never traveled overseas before either so having to get my passport for the trip was a good idea too!

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