Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Presents for the Soccer Player in Your Family?

Well I don't know about you but I had a wonderful Christmas with my family this year. We packed it all in for three days and I was fortunate enough to get some training done throughout. On Christmas Eve my Mom's side of the family got together and it was the usual presents and turkey dinner, with a little CatchPhrase on the side (a nice day off). On Christmas day we celebrated in the morning with immediate family then traveled up north to visit my grandfather for a couple hours (after a run and footwork). To top it all off my Dad's side came over on the 26th for a while and my brother and I played in an indoor tournament in Sports City Cotati.

All in all it was a very enjoyable family time, and lots of fun soccer. In the tournament on Saturday there were five 30min games, starting at 3pm with the last one ending around 11:45pm. My brother Luke was unable to make the first two because he chose to spend time with my father's side of the family, whom he rarely sees due to living in Southern California. However we pulled through without him early on, and he gave us a hearty boost of energy for the last three games helping us win in the final. A fantastic end to the Christmas celebrations!

However, that's not all. Throughout the past four days I unwrapped some great gifts that I'm happy to share. Who wouldn't enjoy two new Nike Premier Team balls, Sir Bobby Charlton's, Alex Ferguson's, AND Steven Gerrard's autobiographies!?? They are sitting on my desk right now and I can't wait to dive into them (thanks Mom and Dad!)

I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and happy holidays. Stay tuned, it's time for tryouts!



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