Monday, December 7, 2009

Aspiring Professional Soccer Player For Hire

Hello All,

As the newest member to the Soccer Hype team I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jeff Russell, and I will be updating this blog on my journey toward a professional soccer career.

First off, a little background: I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area playing in Marin and Sonoma Counties. I played for the University of San Francisco from 2004-2008. I believe every 8 year old kid dreams of playing professional sports when they come of age, and I am no exception. The unique thing about aspiring to play professional soccer in the United States is that it is not yet an extremely popular sport (like American Football, Baseball, or Basketball), and every bit of respect and recognition has to be earned. While David Beckham and Landon Donovan have been doing their part to bring soccer to the forefront in America, there is still much work to be done.

I would like to be a part of this coming of age for soccer in the United States. At 23 years old I have decided it's now or never - there is no better time to pursue my dream. So I am giving myself until March 2011 to make it, that's 14 months. I will train, mind and body. I will study, reading, watching, and listening. And I will persevere.

I invite anyone reading this to join me, follow my progress as I update this blog with bits and pieces of my journey, and find out what it takes to make it as a professional athlete.



Feel free to contact me at

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