Friday, January 8, 2010

U.S. Soccer Press Conference Gives Insight to New Division II League

A last minute press conference called Thursday revealed new details regarding the new Division II soccer league in the U.S. U.S. Soccer will take charge of the league and it will most likely be called USSF 2nd Division, unless a sponsor is found. Sunil Gulati, President of U.S. Soccer Federation, emphasized that the league will be based around intraplay between the two different divisions - The NASL and USL. Gulati stated that the schedule has yet to be decided, but U.S. Soccer is looking to enact a 28 or 32 game season. As of now, this new Division II league has no connection to Major League Soccer, but Gulati could easily envision a connection in the not to distant future. It would probably resemble "AAA" baseball and the MLB, but MLS teams would not be responsible for Division II players' salaries.
More information becomes available each day as this story continues to develop. Please look to Soccer Hype for breaking news as it is made available to the public by U.S. Soccer.

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